
DP Agri was created by Rob Doran in 2006. There are now two stores and a machinery workshop in North Devon and Somerset. Our team of 15 has extensive knowledge of agriculture, having worked in various roles throughout the industry for many years and we deliver products and service like no other.
Rob has been a hoof trimmer for many years, and was the first Dutch trained trimmer in the UK; he is a graduate of the University of Utrecht where he specialised in hoof care. He has also managed a dairy farm in North Devon giving him an excellent insight to the industry.
DP Agri crush-serien er designet og fremstillet internt og kan skræddersyes til trimmerens eller landmandens specifikke behov. Hos DP arbejder vi sammen med vores kunder for at sikre, at de har alt, hvad de behøver for at gøre deres arbejde så nemt og effektivt som muligt. Med vores verdenskendte knusninger og vores specialiserede beddingssystemer er vi udstyret til at levere og rådgive det bedste udstyr, der er tilgængeligt i Storbritannien i dag.
Contact us now to discuss any of our products that could help you.