The Z bedder is a high capacity bedder for distributing sawdust, compressed straw and compost (up to Z 2000). For daily distribution or distribution of very small quantities the bedder can be equipped with a metering shutter.
- Scarichi a sinistra e a destra
- Lama Hardox e striscia antiusura
- È necessaria una valvola a doppio effetto
- Motori idraulici con giunti elastici e valvola di sicurezza
- Manually adjustable metering valves
- Big metering roll at the bottom of the container
- Trasportatore con bordi sigillati e raschiatore
- Motore e secondo rullo rivestiti in gomma
- Finitura: verniciatura a polvere a due strati
- Metering shutter + hydraulic control system for rotation direction of metering roll(possible untill Z 1500) (for precise distribution of very small quantities)
- Foldable sweeping brush on the left or on the right side
- Manure scraper below the bedder